All May Union Meetings Canceled

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Please note that all monthly divisional and sub-divisional meetings for the month of May are canceled.


As the COVID-19 pandemic continues and we continue to navigate through these trying times, I am proud to say that the work ethic that our members have shown during this crisis is a testament to the professionalism that defines us as members of IBEW Local 97 and I Thank You for that.

Now is not the time to let our guard down, we need to remain mindful of the CDC, State and Local recommendations in order to lower the risk of not only exposure to you however; those you work with and the family members you return home to each night. 

Local 97 will continue to keep members up-to-date through our website and text messages. We have added a feature to display the National Grid job bids on the site. I encourage all members to access the website for updates.


Please continue to work safely, wear your PPE and practice social distancing protocols, above all stay safe. We will get through this together.