With the holiday season fast approaching, we look forward to spending time with our friends and families. This time of year especially, we could all easily lose focus on our daily tasks.
We all work for a utility company that operates 24/7 - 365 days a year. It would not be an unusual occurrence to be sitting down for a holiday dinner and receive a notification of a gas or electric emergency that requires our immediate response. With the recent gas explosions in the Boston area and the hurricanes in the Carolinas, we don't even know if we'll be "Home for the Holidays."
Every season brings its own set of problems. I believe winter to be the worst of them. The snow, ice, wind and cold make all of our work days challenging. If you haven't already, now is the time to order your winter clothing, boots, and jackets so that they arrive before the cold weather gets here. Make sure you keep an extra set with you for those unexpected overnights that are sure to come. Recheck your equipment, crew truck, backhoe, digger and bucket truck. We all need to prepare for what's to come.
Know your job. Do your job. Always watch out for each other.
Happy and Healthy Holidays! -Fran Capozzi, Gas Safety Advocate, IBEW Local 97 Central Division